Event: June 2022

08:00 PM

reVERSible Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian – German

Event-Picture: reVERSible Bosnian/Croatian/Montenegrin/Serbian – German


With the poets Bjanka Alajbegović Bosnia and Herzegovina | Alen Brlek Croatia | Sandra Burkhardt Germany | Daniela Chana Austria | Nikola Ćorac Montenegro | Franziska Füchsl Austria | Sascha Garzetti Switzerland | Almin Kaplan Bosnia and Herzegovina | Norbert Lange Germany | Tristan Marquardt Germany | Jana Radičević Montenegro | Stefan Schmitzer Austria | Maša Seničić Serbia | Raphael Urweider Switzerland | Bojan Vasić Serbia | Martina Vidaić Croatia

With the cooperation of the language mediators: Aleksandra Bajazetov Netherlands | Dina Bijelic Germany | Snježana Božin Croatia | Jelena Dabić Austria | Will Firth Germany | Djordje Kandić Germany | Davorka Popadić-Schleicher Germany | Elvira Veselinović Germany

With interlinear translations by: Aleksandra Bajazetov Netherlands | Dina Bijelic Germany | Jelena Dabić Austria | Elvira Veselinović Germany

Curation: PEN Bosnia and Herzegovina | Hrvatsko društvo pisaca (Croatia) | Kulturno – informativni centar „Budo Tomović“ (Montenegro) | Kulturni centar Beograda (Serbia) | Haus für Poesie

This year's reVERSible translation workshop will feature poetry from four successor states of the former Yugoslavia: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, and Serbia. Four cultural institutions from the four countries are gathering to make such an encounter possible.

Eight poets from the “common” linguistic space will meet eight German-speaking poets and translate one another's poems for three days. On this evening, the 16 poets will present the results of their poetic collaborations.

Reading and conversation in Bosnian, Croatian, Montenegrin, Serbian and German.

The idea for this reVERSible came from Olivera Stošić Rakić, whom we thank very much.

Project leaders: Sladjana Strunk, Theresa Rüger (Assistance)

reVERSible Bosnian/Croatian/Montenigrian/Serbian - German is kindly supported by the S. Fischer Foundation, the Austrian Cultural Forum, the Swiss Cultural Foundation Pro Helvetia, the translation network Traduki, the Kulturno - informativni centar "Budo Tomović" (Montenegro), the Kulturni centar Beograda (Serbia), the Goethe Institut Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Goethe Institut Belgrade and the Hrvatsko društvo pisaca (Croatia). Sincere thanks goes to the music school tomatenklang for generously providing premises for our reVERSible workshops.

The event is part of the poesiefestival berlin: poesiefestival.org

The poesiefestival berlin is a project of the Haus für Poesie in cooperation with the Akademie der Künste, with support from the Hauptstadtkulturfonds.

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Akademie der Künste
Kleines Parkett

Hanseatenweg 10, 10557 Berlin

Entrance fee:
10/7 € bzw. 14/9 € Kombiticket mit Poesiegespräch

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